Clean Room Otomation Systems
Clean rooms are used, built and designed according to air pressure, air movement, temperature, damp, number of microorganisms, lighting, size and amount of particules due to air, if there is vibration amount according to goal of installation and stabilization of electrostatic charge standarts.
As Nokta BMS some execution areas of “Clean Room Otomation Systems” are like that;
TPN ROOMS = To prepeare TPN solutions in a safety and sterile place , there must be used horizontal air flow hepa filters which have to have homogen and positive pressure facilities.
CHEMOTHERAPY ROOMS= To produce antineoplastic medicines in a safety and sterile place , there must be used horizontal air flow hepa filters which have to have homogen and positive pressure facilities.
In TPN and Chemotherapy rooms class 100 standart is used on the workbench where there are filling devices, class 10.000 standart is used in the working room to provide a good quality air condition work place. This helps controlling air particules consantration, controlling or minimazing the particules going inside and outside, like damp, heat, pressure etc. Parameters amounts settings.
MICROBIOLOGY LABROTORIES = Microbiology is the study of microscopic organisms, those being unicellular (single cell), multicellular (cell colony), or acellular (lacking cells). Microbiology encompasses numerous sub-disciplines including virology, mycology, parasitology, and bacteriology. These microorganisms cause healt deseases on human. These microorganisms can be examinated in the microbiology labs.